segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2016

Minha Journey Girl Mikaella chegou!!

Das 3 JG que tenho, essa foi a que menos gostei.. assim que batí o olho nao conseguí me apegar muito a ela nao. Mas sei que isso foi devido a roupinha feia que ela veio vestida rs. Mas logo logo irei comprar roupas fofas para ela e entao ela ficará tao fofa quanto as outras !!! Mas enquanto isso nao acontece rsrs.. eu dei os meus toques pessoais nela e gostei bem mais!! Vou postar fotinhos já já ❤️

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2016

Journey Girl Doll ~ Mikaella

Mais uma Journey Girl para chamar de minhaaaa rsrs!!! Acabei de comprar a Mikaella (comprei online no site do Toys'R'Us). A roupinha dela nao é das mais bonitas, mas isso a gente da um jeito rs,é só trocar rs. A Mikaella é linda e tem a boquinha meio aberta, diferente das outras Journey Girls que tem as boquinhas fechadas. Ela é muito lindinha!! Postarei fotinhos assim que a minha fofuxa chegar ❤️

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Barbie & Shelly Natalinas

 Vim mostrar a Barbie e a Shelly que comprei ontem. Elas nao sao umas fofuxas? As duas sao simples, mas muito bonitinhas. Eu amo o Natal e tudo que me lembre essa data tao linda, por isso me encantei por essas duas

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016

Conheça mais sobre as Journey Girl Dolls

Hoje eu resolví falar um pouquinho das Journey Girl Dolls, pois ví que elas ainda sao muito pouco conhecidas.. eu mesma só vim a conhece-las semana retrasada rs. E já estou perdidamente apaixonada por elas rs !! As Journey Girls sao vendidas exclusivamente na loja e no site Toys'R'Us, mas as vezes é possível achar alguma pelo Ebay tambem.. porem mais cara que na loja. Ela é muito semelhante as American Girl Dolls, as Our Generation Dolls e as "My life as"..
O tamanho é o mesmo de todas elas e as roupinhas tambem cabem perfeitamente!! Assim como as American Girls, as Journey Girls tem um mundo infinito de acessórios, roupas, carros, bicicletas, móveis para casa e até mesmo cadeirinha de rodas (que é um amor e eu pretendo comprar rs).
As Journey Girls sao formadas por 6 menininhas com idades entre 6 e 12 anos e seus nomes sao: Chavonne, Kelsey, Meredith, Callie, Kyla,e Dana.Uma sétima menininha chamada Jordanna foi lancada em 2013 como edicao especial. E recentemente a Toys'R'Us lancou mais uma menininha chamada Mikaella. Chavonne é a negra e é cantora, Kyla é a latina e é artista, e é muito timida tambem rs. Meredith é a loira e gosta de praticar esportes, Kelsey é a ruivinha e adora aventuras, Dana é a única de cabelos curtos e usa óculos, e ela ama os animais, e Callie é a única asiatica do grupo, ela ama dancar e adora moda.
Curiosidades sobre essas lindinhas..a Chavonne originalmente era chamada de Taryn, e a Kyla tinha o nome de Alana. Gostaram de saber mais sobre elas?Visitem o site do Toys'R'Us.. lá tem varias Journey Girl Dolls, acessórios e muito mais!!

Meredith e Alana..minhas duas Journey Girls!!

 Estou muito apaixonada por essas duas menininhas.E já penso em comprar a minha terceira Journey Girl rsrs..agora quero a Kyla e a Chavonne :)

Journey Girl Doll~Meredith

Essa é a minha nova Journey Girl Doll..Meredith ❤
Já mostrei a fotinho dela dentro da caixa.. assim que a retirei da caixa a primeira coisa que fiz foi trocar a roupinha dela rs. Ela nao ficou um amorzinho? Fiquei apaixonada na sandalinha gladiadora dela rsrs, é muito mimo para uma boneca só ❤

You and Me

Gente, eu comprei essa botinha hoje na minha ída ao Toys'R'Us. De inicio eu comprei para usar na minha Kikipop, mas ficou um pouco larguinha nela.. entao usei na minha Elsa. Ela nao ficou uma fofa?? Me apaixonei rsrs. Essa botinha é da marca "You and Me", que é uma marca de roupas, sapatos e acessórios para bonecas.Tudo dessa marca é um encanto e é tudo muuuuito bem feito e perfeitinho, parece roupinhas de adulto em miniatura rs. Adorei a botinha e a minha Elsa tambem ❤

Comprinhas do dia!!

 Fui ao Toys'R'Us e voltei com algumas fofurices rs ❤️

sábado, 4 de junho de 2016

Novos Playmobils XXL 2016

 Gente, eu aaaaaamo Playmobil (já fiz video mostrando alguns bonecos meus), por isso pirei nessa princesa da foto rs!!V iram o tamanho dela?? Ela é enooooorme rs. Ano passado lancaram o Papai Noel grandalhao.. eu o comprei e postei fotos aqui, lembram? E agora fizeram mais dois grandalhoes, a princesa e um soldado. Fiquei apaixonada pela princesa e pretendo adquiri-la. A data de lancamento dos dois será no dia 19 de Setembro aqui na Alemanha. Eles sao muito lindos,nao sao? ❤️

Novidade "Dollística"!!!

Party's over, Barbie! Meet the woman whose Harajuku-inspired dolls are set to shake up the toy industry

  • Madeleine Hunter, 29, has designed and created Shibajuku Girls dolls
  • The dolls draw inspired from Japanese Harajuku and Shibuya street style
  • Shibajuku Girls are large than regular dolls with sparkling glass eyes
  • They are available at Toys 'R' Us in Australia and will be shipped abroad

With Barbie nearing her 60th birthday, a new doll on the block could prove to be a serious rival.
Melbourne resident and toy creator Madeleine Hunter has invented Shibajuku Girls: dolls inspired by Japanese Harajuku and Shibuya street fashion.
The dolls launched this month in Australia at Toys 'R' Us, and Ms Hunter told Daily Mail Australia they have plans for the product to be sold in the US, the UK, Ireland, France, New Zealand and parts of Europe.
New doll on the block: Melbourne resident Madeleine Hunter (right) has invented Shibajuku Girls
New doll on the block: Melbourne resident Madeleine Hunter (right) has invented Shibajuku Girls
Street style: The series of five dolls are inspired by Japanese Harajuku and Shibuya street fashion
Street style: The series of five dolls are inspired by Japanese Harajuku and Shibuya street fashion
On-trend look: The dolls draw inspiration from Japanese style and Taylor Swift's love of cats
Doll rivalry: The dolls are set to rival Barbie, who at 57 years old is nearing her 60th birthday
Doll rivalry: The dolls are set to rival Barbie, who at 57 years old is nearing her 60th birthday

So how does one compete with a doll as prominent and influential as Barbie?
'I've made the doll large than any doll on the shelf. It's 13 inches and the standard doll size is 11 and a half inches,' Ms Hunter said.
'I also went back to that really natural and pretty face, I know there are a lot of monster dolls and vampires are a huge trend, but since Barbie there hasn't really been a pretty doll.'
Point of difference: The dolls are 13 inches tall, nearly two inches taller than regular dolls, making them stand out on the shelves
Point of difference: The dolls are 13 inches tall, nearly two inches taller than regular dolls, making them stand out on the shelves
Unique: They have sparkling glass eyes and a range of accessories
Accessories to share: The dolls have hair clips that can be used on the dolls as well as the girls playing with them
Unique: They have sparkling glass eyes and a range of accessories, such as hair clips, that can be used on the dolls and the girls playing with them
The other main point of difference is the doll's eyes, which are made of glass instead of being printed on. 
Ms Hunter studied Commerce and Art at Melbourne University, before starting work at her father's toy import and distributing company Hunter Products.
There she was assigned a job product developing toys for the Dreamworks movie Home.
In the family: Ms Hunter studied Commerce and Art at Melbourne University, before starting work at her father's toy import and distributing company Hunter Products
In the family: Ms Hunter studied Commerce and Art at Melbourne University, before starting work at her father's toy import and distributing company Hunter Products
'I learned so much, I made many mistakes, but I ended up getting the product sold in to more than 40 different countries,' she said.
'I formed a world of relationships and connections through that, and I presented in toy fairs around the world.'
Ms Hunter said the hardest part was convincing her father Jeff and brother James that Shibajuku Girls was a good idea.
Convincing the family: Ms Hunter's father and brother initially rejected the idea due to the competitive market, but gave the green light once they saw how different the doll was
Convincing the family: Ms Hunter's father and brother initially rejected the idea due to the competitive market, but gave the green light once they saw how different the doll was
Global interest: Companies pitched for the doll off the cardboard design, giving Ms Hunter the confidence to pursue the idea
Global interest: Companies pitched for the doll off the cardboard design, giving Ms Hunter the confidence to pursue the idea
'They both told me absolutely not, that there's no way they're developing this doll because a lot of time and money goes in to it and competition is pretty tough.'
But she remained determined, taking her doll to fairs around the world where companies pitched for it off the concept design.
'I got them on board by saying to them I would made a doll that is completely different to anything on the shelf at the moment,' she said.
'I want to turn this in to a brand, rather than just a doll.'
Expanding business: The dolls are currently only available in Toys 'R' Us in Australia, but will soon by stocked in Myer, Big W, Target and Toy World
Expanding business: The dolls are currently only available in Toys 'R' Us in Australia, but will soon by stocked in Myer, Big W, Target and Toy World
Brand goals: By the end of the year, they are estimated to have sold about 500,000 dolls
Brand goals: By the end of the year, they are estimated to have sold about 500,000 dolls
Ms Hunter said she has always loved Japanese culture, and the doll's clothes reflected the fun street style seen in the streets of Harajuku and Shibuya.
She drew inspiration from Taylor Swift and her two pet cats with feline-inspired clothes and accessories, and the dolls have hair clips can be used in little girls' hair as well.
There are five dolls – Yoko, Namika, Shizuka, Koe and Suki – who all have different styles and personalities, with about 500,000 dolls estimated to be sold by the end of the year.
The dolls retails for $39.95 at Toys 'R' Us, and will soon be available at Toy World, Myer, Big W and Target.  

Dolly Treasures - The Little Mischiefs By Eileen Lam

Kyla ou Meredith??

Amores, estou super em duvida (e desapontada tambem) !! Acabei de receber um email da loja onde fiz minhas comprinhas e me avisaram que a Journey Girl que comprei se esgotou e que eu teria que escolher outra.
De todas que ainda tem no site, eu só gostei dessas duas.
A minha duvida é: Qual dessas duas fofas eu devo escolher? A loirinha com carinha de princesa ou a moreninha toda estilosa?

Meu lindao!!!Ele é perfeitoooo!!Agora eu quero o Link rs. PS:As pernas dele se movem!!