I climbed as high as I could climb,
to get a glimpse of you.
I squinted at the moon, and
searched the clouds too.
I shouted out your name, I
screamed, "look I'm down here!"
Yet the sky didn't seem any closer,
and heaven still wasn't near.
I sat and I just waited.
I waved to passing clouds,
just incase you were watching
and saw me through the crowds.
Then I felt your presence .
You were sitting next to me.
You told me you hadn't left
and were everywhere I'd be.
We talked in silent voices.
We sang our favourite song.
We spoke about the times,
that had passed since you had gone.
You told me not to cry,
as you often felt my pain.
You told me that from heaven,
the teardrops were the rain.
I didn't need to go to heaven,
in the hope to find you there.
I just needed to relive a memory,
and I knew you'd meet me there.
Author Joanne Boyle ~ Heartfelt
Art by Steffi Krenzek